Thursday, January 7, 2010

If oil is suddenly on fire when your mother is cooking in the kitchen,what should you do?

help!!If oil is suddenly on fire when your mother is cooking in the kitchen,what should you do?
put the lid on it don't throw water on it, it will spread the fire!If oil is suddenly on fire when your mother is cooking in the kitchen,what should you do?
you should have a fire blanket to throw over it this would smother the flame , failling that a towel teatowel anything that will smother it,

otherwise get out fast
turn off the stove and cover the pan with any cooking pan. or turn off the stove, place the pan on the floor and cover it with a thick blanket. fire is gone.
you should buy a fire extinguisher,made for grease or oil fires they usually contain a foam substance,which is what the fire dept calls for.
Like Rupe said, put a lid on it..if it spreads, get you and your mom outside and just call 911...that stuff is routine for them but lifesaving for the rest of us

Throw a wet towel over it and then let it cool down before cleaning.

Baking soda and flour cause too much smoke damage!
put a lid over it if you can and smother the flame, or have a fire extinguisher 911
turn off the gas stove and cover the fire with a wet blanket or towel.
stop ....drop ....and roll

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