Yes it can be done, not sure about where to buy tank separate though. I've worked with them and have interchanged parts without trouble.Can you replace the tank only on an oil fired hot water heater and re-use the burner?
I have one made by a company called Bock. The pipes at the top are designed to corrode instead of your tank. Problem is, most people don't replace them like they should. If it's just the tubes gone bad, you may be looking at about $15 for new tubes. The burner unit is usually sold separately. If you get a new tank from a different company, you may need to change the burner nozzle. Let the supply house know what burner you have and they should be able to help out alot.
I had my tank replaced last year for $1200.00 in labor (tank was under warranty, but was only around $300). My burner is only about 5 years old though. As far as efficiency goes, my burner is around 85% efficient. I don't think new ones are much better.
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